Science and technology arround phytosterols

Phytosterols and their role
Activates the physiological defense mechanisms of plants in response to environmental stress.
We have developed and formulated a phytosterol-based solution using the properties of phytosterols to achieve targeted physiological responses to specific stresses on different crops.
As a result, plants are more resistant, better adapt to climate change and have preserved agricultural yields.
Phytosterols act as signaling molecules and help plants adapt to environmental stresses

Phytosterols are plant-derived lipids known and studied for many years. Unlike animals, which only have cholesterol, plants synthesize a large number of phytosterols, the building blocks of cell membranes. These molecules form part of the primary metabolism of living organisms and are therefore essential to their survival.
Due to their presence in membranes, phytosterols play a key role in regulating membrane fluidity and permeability. Signaling molecules use these mechanisms to convey information and stimulate plant growth and/or adapt plant responses to changing environmental conditions.
How phytosterols work?

How phytosterols work

Root growth
After foliar spraying with phytosterols, treated plants experience stimulated root growth.
This is essential to improve soil exploration by plants’roots, and so increase the reservoir of water to which they have access, enabling them to tolerate drought.
Evapotranspiration regulation
During times of water stress, phytosterols play a role in regulating the opening of stomata, the pores which allow gas exchanges between the plant and its environment.
When water stress occurs, treated plants limit evapotranspiration from their leaves thanks to signaling molecules that induce partial closure of stomata.
To summarize, by foliar spraying with phytosterols, plants stimulate their metabolism to induce growth and adapt their defense system to changes in environmental conditions, enhancing their tolerance to stress.
From science to the field

Beyond understanding the unique properties of phytosterols, Elicit Plant has successfully overcome a major technological obstacle:
- to formulate a solution suitable for exogenous application on large surfaces,
- compatible with farming practices and machinery,
- and with scientifically proven results worldwide.