Drought Stress

EliGrain-a: an effective solution for growing wheat in unpredictable weather conditions

Trials in 2023/2024 show that EliGrain-a improves yields and boosts crop resilience to unpredictable weather conditions, providing an effective solution to today’s agricultural challenges.

Trials in 2023/2024 show that EliGrain-a improves yields and boosts crop resilience to unpredictable weather conditions, providing an effective solution to today’s agricultural challenges.

The results of trials carried out during the 2023/2024 crop season confirm the effectiveness of EliGrain-a, an innovative solution that delivers significant benefits. EliGrain-a continues to demonstrate its ability to improve yields and support crop resilience, whether in periods of water deficit stress or low sunlight, both in traditional and sustainable agriculture.

Guaranteed yields, even when frequent drought stress

In areas of southern, eastern, and central Europe, where periods of drought stress are frequent and weigh heavily on yield potential, EliGrain-a is a powerful ally. Results from trials carried out in Spain, Germany and Poland show significant yield increases, with gains of 300 kg, 430 kg and 470 kg per hectare respectively, despite difficult conditions.

In drought-stress conditions, the average yield gains observed in Europe over the past two years have been 380 kg per hectare, thanks to the action of the phytosterols in EliGrain-a. Applied preventively, these phytosterols enable the plant to improve its water use efficiency, thus reducing the impact of periods of water shortage. Using EliGrain-a means greater crop resilience, which helps preserve harvests even in the most difficult situations.


Biostimulation providing a response to climate challenges

Even in periods where drought stress is less likely, EliGrain-a still demonstrates benefits, particularly in weather conditions more favorable to wheat growing. In northern Europe, where sunshine levels are often low, EliGrain-a promotes root development and maintains high chlorophyll levels. This leads to increased biomass and better spike density, two essential factors for maximizing yields.

EliGrain-a’s biostimulant properties have led to an average yield increase of 288 kg per hectare under these conditions. These effects help achieve tangible results even in environments less prone to water deficit stress, confirming EliGrain-a’s versatility in the varied conditions faced by European farmers and climate uncertainty. Trials carried out in the south of France have also validated this versatility, in line with trends observed elsewhere in Europe. This reinforces EliGrain-a’s ability to adapt to multiple climate challenges, and to offer a robust, effective solution in a wide range of conditions.


Supporting sustainable agriculture

Today, an increasing number of crop growers are keen to rationalize their protection programs, whether for economic, environmental, or regulatory reasons. In these cases, EliGrain-a is a valuable resource that contributes to good plant health. Without substituting treatments, EliGrain-a increases crops’ resistance to abiotic stress through the natural action of phytosterols, allowing crops to maintain high performance. Results of trials show that, in sustainable agriculture, the combined use of EliGrain-a can deliver an average gain of 290 kg per hectare, confirming the value of integrating this solution into current crop itineraries.
To illustrate, in trials carried out in northern France on the SY Admiration variety, better crop health was observed thanks to EliGrain-a, with improvements of +31% on F3 leaves, +9% on F2 leaves and +16% on F1 leaves, leading to a yield gain of 390 kg per hectare.


An adaptable solution for a wide range of conditions, a response to unpredictable weather conditions

Whether it’s to protect crops against drought stress, improve performance in conditions of low sunlight, or support new agricultural practices that seek to reduce inputs (but which make plants more vulnerable in bad weather), EliGrain-a is a solution able to adapt to all climate challenges and unpredictable weather conditions. EliGrain-a’s biostimulant properties and its ability to boost plants’ resistance to drought stress make it a key tool for securing yields now and in the future.